total fuel service propane

Fueling your home with propane is a smart choice. No matter how you’re using it, propane meets your needs with unique advantages other energy sources can’t deliver. 


Propane — sometimes known as liquefied petroleum gas, or LPG — is a gas normally compressed and stored as a liquid. It is nontoxic, colorless, and odorless; an identifying odor is added so it can be detected. Propane is most commonly used in the home for home heating and water heating, indoor and outdoor cooking, fireplaces and firepits, clothes dryers, generators, pool heaters, and outdoor lighting.


Propane is primarily a byproduct of domestic natural gas processing, though some propane is produced from crude oil refining and from renewable sources. U.S. propane supplies are becoming increasingly abundant due in large part to increased supplies of natural gas.

  • Propane production in the U.S. has increased markedly with the increases in shale gas and associated gas production from U.S. tight oil plays. Increased oil production from new tight oil plays has increased the volumes of propane produced from domestically sourced crude oil.
  • The U.S. became a net exporter of propane in 2011.
  • Renewable propane, made along with other liquid fuels from animal fats and vegetable oils, offers the same clean, efficient, reliable performance as conventional propane.


Propane is used in 12 million households as well as many businesses for heat and water heating, indoor cooking, clothes drying, and backup power. Tens of millions more use it for outdoor cooking. Additionally, many industries increasingly choose propane to fuel vehicles and equipment cost-effectively while lowering emissions.

propane uses in home


Propane is derived from conventional and renewable sources. It’s been an important part of America’s energy mix for more than a century, due to its many positive advantages:


Propane is an approved clean fuel listed in the 1990 Clean Air Act. Substituting propane for other fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and fuel oil is an economical and viable step toward cleaner air. Using propane reduces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and air pollutants like carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide.


Propane production keeps quality jobs in our country. Nearly 50,000 workers across the U.S. are employed in propane production, transportation, and distribution.


The U.S. is the world’s leading producer and exporter of propane. Propane is an abundant, clean alternative to gasoline and diesel.


Propane prices are typically lower than those associated with gasoline, diesel fuel, and home heating oil due to the growing supply.

Interested in fueling your home with propane? Contact us today to SWITCH & SAVE!

Already have propane? We’re ready to be your preferred propane provider! GO PRO with Total Fuel Service today!

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