How a Home Generator Will Benefit Your Family

Let’s face it, power outages are a major hassle to deal with. Living in Connecticut, we’re used to occasional power outages. From harsh storms over the summer, to winter storms, we’ve all experienced power outages. In the case that you don’t have a whole home generator, you may be waiting up to a week at a time for electric companies to restore power to your home. These instances are costing families money, and much more money than you may think.

You Will NEVER Experience an Outage With a Home Generator

It happens, the power is out. Sure, things could be a lot worse, but an outage certainly has an effect on our day.

These are the main ways we’re affected by an outage:

  • Stress on families
  • Financial demands.
  • Dangerous excesses of heat or cold.
  • Lack of phones, email, and communication.
  • Inability to cook.
  • Loss of showers and bathrooms.

For homes that have a whole home generator, these worries don’t exist. The purpose of having a home generator is to keep you comfortable.

You Will SAVE Money With a Home Generator

More than 50 percent of homeowners say the expense is the only reason they have no form of backup power. Yet the financial and emotional tolls of a power outage far outweigh the price of a propane standby generator. When considering all that you have to lose physically and emotionally, the decision becomes simple. In fact, the average homeowner will experience 3.5 power interruptions in a two-year period, and even short outages lasting less than four hours will cost homeowners an average of $1,2501 . In conclusion, that’s nearly $4,500 in spoiled food, hotels, damaged electronics, and more.

Learn how Total Fuel Service can prepare you and your family for power outages today!
