Propane standby generators provide Connecticut homeowners worried about being left in the dark for extended periods of time with unmatched comfort and peace of mind by supplying supplemental electricity in as little as 10 seconds after an outage. Unlike diesel and gasoline, propane doesn’t degrade over time or need to be refilled constantly by the homeowner, making propane an ideal standby power fuel.

propane generator electricity
For homeowners already using propane appliances in their home, a standby generator is a terrific addition that will provide an increased level of comfort during a power outage.
If you have the option of propane in your area, it might be time to start thinking about switching one or more appliances to propane in addition to installing a propane standby generator. Did you know that your home’s water heater, furnace, and stove can all run more efficiently with propane too?

Call Total Fuel Service at (860) 855-FUEL for more information and GO PRO today!

Total Fuel Service







